
Nymphs are minor goddesses or spirits of specific natural landscape features, such as mountains, trees, springs, etc. Their name and epithet will depend on the location.
- Bread
- Cheeses
- Fruits
- Flowers
- Barley grains
- Incense
- Meat
- Statues
- Gemstones
- Pictures
- Dolls, figurines of women, silens or Pan: clay or wood is probably best
- Jewelry
- Pottery
- Coins
- Shells
- Astragaloi (Animal knuckle bones associated with divination)
- Small children’s toys
- Reliefs
- Wreaths, sprigs
- Marble eggs
- Honey
- Water
- Milk (especially libated from a wooden bowl)
- Olive oil, but avoid libating into water sources
- Wine, depending: avoid libating into water sources