I will only list the Hellenismos-related books by these authors.
Timothy Jay Alexander - creator of the so-called Pillars of Hellenismos. Homophobic and extremely ableist.
- A Beginner’s Guide to Hellenismos
- Hellenismos Today
- The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos
Galina Krasskova - writes about paganism at large, usually Heathenry. Defends fascist neo-nazi organization AFA, sold Bacchic Lives Matter pin on Etsy, etc. Basically endless with this one. Just look her up on Tumblr.
Sacramentum: A Devotional for Dionysos
On Divination
Devotional Polytheism
Honoring the Ancestors: A Basic Guide
Ferryman of Souls: A Devotional to Charon
Magic and Religion
Philosophy and Polytheism
Building Regional Cultus
Ancestors and Hero Cultus
Ecstatic Practices
In Praise of Hermes: Nine Days of Devotion to the God of Travellers, Mischief, and More
To Rejuvenate and Nourish: Nine Days of Prayer to Asklepios, God of Healing
Divination and Oracles
With Clean Minds and Clean Hands: Miasma - What It Is and How to Treat It
Honoring the Mothers: Novenas to the Mothers of Our Gods and Heroes
Combatting the Evil Eye
Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses
Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Pan
Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes
Tony Mierzwicki - Misinformation I have yet to verify this personally, so take this with a grain of salt. Apparently he puts a rant about GMOs in a book about Hellenismos, and has strange ideas about what it means to be Greek.
- Graeco-Egyptian Magick
- Hellenic Polytheism Today
Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis - Neo-Nazi. Seriously, he has Nazi symbols on his blog. And yes, he knows it’s a Nazi symbol, but he doesn’t care and made up UPG and spiritual justifications. Transphobic, islamophobic basically everything possible. Here are the Hellenic related books he’s written:
- Ecstatic: For Dionysos
- End to End
- Everything Dances: Strange Spirits 3
- Gods and Mortals: New Stories of Hellenic Polytheism
- Going Forth
- Hunting Wisdom: A Bacchic Orphic Diviner’s Manual
- Masks of Dionysos: Getting to know the God through his Heroes and Heroines
- Monstrous Things
- Pandæmonium and Silence
- Spirits of Initiation: A Study of the Toys of Dionysos
- Strange Spirits Volume One
- Tending the Bull: A tradition of Dionysian devotion
- THIS IS NOT AN EXIT: Strange Spirits Volume II
- Thunderstruck with Wine
- What Flowers in the Dark: A Poetic Journey Through Anthesteria
- Wine Dark
Patrick Dunn - possible cultural appropriation of Hoodoo ritual framework and definite appropriation of Qabbalah (seen in screenshots below), both closed practices as well.

- The Orphic Hymns
- The Practical Art of Divine Magic
Rosemarie Taylor-Perry - cultural appropriation and general White fuckery towards closed indigenous traditions, claiming Dionysos is syncretic with deities from indigenous cultures.
- The god who comes: Dionysian mysteries revealed
Chris Aldridge - Antisemite (scroll to bottom) who has published for YSEE. Carefully avoids talking about any homoerotic myths. Misogynist who characterizes male heroes as strong warriors and heroines as excessively family-oriented (and thus giving blessings in that area), even Atalanta, in his Hellenic Polytheism book. Ignores/neglects more powerful, 'unladylike' aspects of goddesses aside from Athena.
- New Prayers of Old Hellas
- Theseus: His Life, Mysteries and Virtues
- Light of Olympos
- Hellenic Polytheism: A Personal Guide
- Lives and Prayers of the Greek Heroes and Heroine's (sic)
- ...also published in Neos Alexandria's anthologies, Festival of the Sun, etc.
Heliotrophy - Generally right-wing. Defends Edward Butler. Reactionary center-right bullshit. One of those “kids these days complain too much” types. Note that he is one of those ‘family values’ type conservatives as well.
- Hymns for the Gods From Olympus to Asgard: Prayers in the Orphic and Eddic Traditions