God of travelers, merchants, thieves, dice divination, sheperds, and herald of the gods. Hermes also acts as a psychopomp, bringing souls to the Underworld.
- Epimêlios: Keeper of the Flocks
- Kriophoros: Ram Bearer
- Khthonios: Of the Earth
- Agoraios: Of the Marketplace
- Dolios: The Crafty
- Promakhos: The Champion
- Hermêneutês: Interpretor, Translator
- Trikephalos: Three-headed (Of Crossroads)
- Saffron
- Strawberry tree, almond tree, pine tree
- Rosemary
- Frankincense, styrax incense
- Mint (Hermes Khthonios)
Prayers and Hymns
“I sing of Cyllenian Hermes, the Slayer of Argus, lord of Cyllene and Arcadia rich in flocks, luck-bringing messenger of the deathless gods. He was born of Maia, the daughter of Atlas, when she had made with Zeus, -- a shy goddess she. Ever she avoided the throng of the blessed gods and lived in a shadowy cave, and there the Son of Cronos used to lie with the rich-tressed nymph at dead of night, while white-armed Hera lay bound in sweet sleep: and neither deathless god nor mortal man knew it. And so hail to you, Son of Zeus and Maia; with you I have begun: now I will turn to another song! Hail, Hermes, giver of grace, guide, and giver of good things!”
-Homeric Hymn
“Supreme herald of the realm above and the realm below, O Hermes of the nether world, come to my aid (your request here)”
“May Maia’s son, as he rightfully should, lend his aid, for no one can better sail a deed on a favoring course, when he would do so. But by his mysterious utterance he brings darkness over men’s eyes by night, and by day he is no more clear at all (your request here).”