Ge (Gaia)

The oracular goddess of the Earth. She is the earth itself. She witnesses oaths. She rules over the souls of the dead and controls their fate.
- Khthon: The Earth
- Khthoniê: The Earth
- Matêr Pantôn: Mother of All
- Eurysternos: Broad-bosomed
- Megalê Thea: Great Goddess
- Gasêpton: August Earth
- Kourotrophos: Nurse of the Young
- Fruits
- Grains
Prayers and Hymns
“Gaia, the beautiful, rose up,Broad blossomed, she that is the steadfast base
Of all things. And fair Gaia first bore
The starry Heaven, equal to herself,
To cover her on all sides and to be
A home forever for the blessed Gods.”