The Erinyes

Three goddesses also known as the Eumenides or the Furies. They relentlessly chase down those who are targets of retribution or vengeance for severe crimes. Their names are Tisiphone, Alekto, and Megaira. You may notice their epithets are often euphemistic -- this is to try to get them in a good mood.
- Eumenides: Well-disposed, Kind
- Semnai Theai: Holy Goddesses
- Meilikhioi: Gentle, Mild
- Praxidikai: Exacters of Justice
- Poinai: Retributors
- Maniai: Madnesses
- Arai: Curses
- Dasplêtai: Frightful
- Aei Parthenous: Eternal Virgins
- Telphousia, Tilphoussa: Bringers-forth of Dues
- Kynês Enkotoi: Hounds of Wrath
- Yew
- Narcissus
- Holm oak
- Pomegranate
- Wild fig
- Flowers
- Nephalia (drink)
- Honey, honey cakes
- No wine, only water or milk libations
- Gruel
- Piglets
- Pregnant sheep, black sheep
Prayers and Hymns
“To the Erinyes, Fumigation from Aromatics. Vociferous wild Erinyes hear! Ye I invoke, dread powers, whom all revere; nightly, profound, in secret who retire, Tisiphone, Alekto, and Megaira dire: deep in a cavern merged, involved in night, near where Styx flows impervious to sight. To mankind's impious counsels ever nigh, fateful, and fierce to punish these you fly. Revenge and sorrows dire to you belong, hid in a savage vest, severe and strong. Terrific virgins, who for ever dwell, endued with various forms, in deepest hell; aerial, and unseen by human kind, and swiftly coursing, rapid as the mind. In vain the sun with winged effulgence bright, in vain the moon far darting milder light, wisdom and virtue may attempt in vain, and pleasing art, our transport to obtain; unless with these you readily conspire, and far avert your all-destructive ire. The boundless tribe of mortals you descry, and justly rule with Dike's impartial eye. Come, snaky-haired, Moirai, many-formed, divine, suppress you rage, and to our rites incline.”
-Orphic Hymn 69
“To the Eumenides, Fumigation from Aromatics. Hear me, illustrious Eumenides, mighty named, terrific powers, for prudent counsel famed; holy and pure, from Zeus Khthonios [i.e. Haides] born, and Persephone, whom lovely locks adorn: whose piercing sight with vision unconfined surveys the deeds of all the impious kind. On fate attendant, punishing the race with wrath severe, of deeds unjust and base. Dark-coloured queens, whose glittering eyes are bright with dreadful, radiant, life-destroying light: eternal rulers, terrible and strong, to whom revenge and tortures dire belong; fateful, and horrid to the human sight, with snaky tresses, wandering in the night: hither approach, and in these rites rejoice, for ye I call with holy suppliant voice.”
-Orphic Hymn 70