Goddess of agriculture, mother of Persephone, and center of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Eleusis is a town not too far from Athens.
- Khthonia: Of the Earth/Underworld
- Khloê: Of Green Shoots
- Epogmie: Of Furrows
- Anêsidôra: She Who Sends Forth Gifts
- Ploutodoteira: Giver of Wealth
- Karpophoros/Malophoros: Bearer of Fruit
- Thermasia: Of Warmth
- Megala Thea: Great Goddess
- Megala Mêter: Great Mother
- Thesmophoros: Bringer of Law
- Erinys: Fury
- Melaina: The Black
- Lousiê: Bathing, Purifying
- Kabeiraiê: Of the Kabeiroi
- Poppy
- Pork
- Styrax incense
- Mint
- Miniature hydriai and kernoi (ceramics)
- Ceramic sows and piglets
- Wheat products
Prayers and Hymns
“O Demeter, you nourish my soul make me worthy of your mysteries (your request here).”
“Demeter, you who taught us to work the earth and provides for us so bountifully (your request here).”
"I begin to sing of rich-haired Demeter, awful goddess, of her and of her daughter lovely Persephone. Hail, goddess! Keep this city safe, and govern my song.”
-Homeric Hymns