
God of medicine and healing. His family represents the totality of healthcare -- from good health to a good end. He is the son of Apollon and Coronis; some legends have him killed by Zeus, but all the same Asklepios eventually was deified and worshipped across the ancient world. His priests would conduct surgeries and give herbal remedies, while many worshipper-patients would sleep in his temple to receive healing in their dreams. Asklepios' sacred animal, the snake, could act in his stead and dispense healing as well. His temples in Epidauros and Kos were well known.


  • Iatros: Healer
  • Êpioss: Soothing
  • Kotyleôs: Of the Hip-joint
  • Philolaos: Lover of the People
  • Agnitas: Of the Chaste-tree


  • Frankincence
  • Bread
  • Chicken meat
  • Goat meat
  • Tablet with patient's name, disease/issue, and cure method
  • Model of body part he is to heal, or has healed

Prayers and Hymns

“I begin to sing of Asclepius, son of Apollo and healer of sicknesses. In the Dotian plain fair Coronis, daughter of King Phlegyas, bare him, a great joy to men, a soother of cruel pangs. And so hail to you, lord: in my song I make my prayer to thee!”

-The Homeric Hymns

""To Asklepios, Fumigation from Manna.

Great Asklepios, skilled to heal mankind,

all-ruling Paian, and physician kind;

whose arts medicinal can alone assuage diseases dire, and stop their dreadful rage.

Strong, lenient God, regard my suppliant prayer,

bring gentle health, adorned with lovely hair;

convey the means of mitigating pain,

and raging deadly pestilence restrain.

O power all-flourishing, abundant, bright,

Apollon's honoured offspring, God of light;

husband of blameless Hygeia, the constant foe of dread disease,

the minister of woe: come, blessed saviour, human health defend,

and to the mortal life afford a prosperous end."

-The Orphic Hymn to Asklepios

“Wake up Healer Asclepius, lord of the people

kind-hearted child of Leto’s son and holy Koronis

shake the sleep from your eyes, hear the prayer

of your worshipers who joyfully entreat you

kind Asclepius for your greatest blessing: health.

Wake up, take pleasure in the hymn we sing.”


“Sing youths of famous Paian

son of Leto, long range archer

hear us Paian

who generated great relief for humans

through union in love with Koronis

in the land of Phlegyas

hear us Paian! Asclepius!

famed divinity, hear us Paian!

From whom descended Machaon

Podaleirios and Iaso

hear us Paian!

And lovely Aigla, Panakeia too

by Epione and the apple of his eye

most holy Health!

Hear Paian! Asclepius,

famed divinity, hear us Paian!

I beseech you; look kindly on

our city with its choral worship,

hear us Paian!

grant that we enjoy the sun’s

abundant light accompanied

by most famous and holy Health

please, O Paian, Asclepius

famed divinity, hear our prayer!”
