God of light, music, disease, and prophecy. His most famous shrine was at Delphi, considered to be the center (navel) of the world -- indeed, its prophecies were greatly influential in the Ancient Greek world. He also had major shrines at Delos, where he and his sister Artemis were born, and Claros, another oracular site.
- Thearios: Of the Oracle
- Proopsios: Foreseeing
- Klêrios: Distributing by Lot
- Klêdônes: Giver of Omens in Words and Sounds
- Hekatos: Far-shooting
- Agraios: Of the Hunt
- Mousêgetês: Leader of the Muses
- Oulios: Of Sound Health
- Paian: Healer
- Akesios: Of Healing
- Alexikakos: Averter of Evil
- Epikourios: The Helper
- Boêdromios: Rescuer
- Lykios: Of the Wolves
- Smintheios: Of the Mice
- Parnopios: Of the Locuts
- Erythibios: Of Mildew
- Delphinios: Of the Dolphin
- Aktios: Of the Foreshore
- Theoxenios: Of Foreigners
- Argyieus: Of the Street
- Prostatêrios: Standing (Before the Entrance)
- Bay laurel
- Frankincense
- Lapis lazuli
- Palm trees
- Lyres
- Bows and arrows
- Tripods
Prayers and Hymns
“O lord Apollo strike the guilty ones with harm, destroy them as you do destroy but prosper us…”
-Archilochus, M.L. West's Greek Lyric Poetry
"Phoebus, of you even the swan sings with clear voice to the beating of his wings, as he alights upon the bank by the eddying river Peneus; and of you the sweet-tongued minstrel, holding his high-pitched lyre, always sings both first and last. And so hail to you, lord! I seek your favour with my song."
-The Homeric Hymn to Apollon
"Oh Phoibos, helper through your oracles,Come, joyous Leto’s son, who works afar
Averter hither come hither come hither
Foretell give prophecies amid night’s hour.”